Stroll back in time through the American capital's historical and iconic neighborhoods with a sixth-generation Washingtonian. Rick Snider hosts the popular YouTube channel, Rick Snider’s Washington. He is also a distant relative of both JFK and John Wilkes Booth. Rick will lead you from the White House to Ford’s Theatre to describe the day Booth killed President Abraham Lincoln. Hear personal stories from two centuries of political intrigue, including how Dan Sickles killed Frances Barton Key and then pleaded “temporary insanity” because his spouse was cheating on him, and walk to the capital’s first neighborhood. Stroll along the C&O Canal, past the Georgetown University campus and the homes of President John F. Kennedy and First Lady, Jackie Kennedy. En route, beware the Exorcist steps (as featured in the film by the same name) and visit the pub where the Kennedys became engaged. Snider shares the drama of neighborhoods where dangerous politics have been the norm since Lincoln's final day.