The village of Glen Park is nestled among the slopes of the San Miguel Hills near the heart of San Francisco, just south of Twin Peaks. It is the gateway to a hidden gem of 70 acres of open space known as Glen Canyon, of which 60 acres is officially designated as a Significant Natural Resource Area. Much of the history of Glen Park and Glen Canyon is closely intertwined, from early open-range cattle grazing and milch ranches, to an explosive direct link with today's prestigious Nobel Prizes, to a radical sales gimmick for selling home lots that included just about everything from lions and bears to trick shooters and high-flying aeronauts! Our route will take us from the bustling village of Glen Park through the neighborhood into Glen Canyon. In addition to the area's remarkable cultural history, we'll also discover some of the highlights of the canyon's natural history as we trek through. Join me as we rediscover the forgotten histories of Glen Park and Glen Canyon!